Catching Up on Terrifically Toni

Hey everyone! My blog celebrated it’s first anniversary a little while ago, and now it’s my YouTube channel’s turn to celebrate (well, technically, the anniversary was yesterday)! I will admit, I wasn’t the most active on the channel when I first started it, and I was really inexperienced. Now, I’m trying to post on a weekly basis, and I feel a lot more comfortable with both filming and editing (not to mention the little upgrades I’ve gotten with my equipment)! Today, I thought I’d do a little catching up on some of the different series I’ve done on my channel, as well as some of my latest videos.

The first series I’m going to cover is Vlogmas. It was an absolutely crazy experience for me; I’ve never put together so many videos so quickly! I had also never done anything besides vlogs and school projects, so I feel as if it was a really great way for me to get out of my comfort zone, try some new types of videos, and just get better with creating videos!

The next series I did was all from my Christmas break, and they were all vlogs! I had such a blast being in Orlando for Christmas, and I hope I was able to show my great holiday experience well in my videos!

Lately, I haven’t done any real series, but I’ve been trying to get better about posting more, so I’ve been posting videos about my everyday life, as well as videos that you guys have requested! Be sure to check them all out!

I am really enjoying making all these videos, and I love hearing what videos you love to watch! I can’t wait to share all of the exciting adventures that I’m waiting for, and I hope you can’t wait to see them! I’m also always open to video suggestions!

See ya real soon,

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