College Graduation

Is this post just an excuse to share a bunch of graduation photos? Maybe, but before we get to the pictures, I just wanted to talk a little bit about the life milestone that was my college graduation.

For starters, I graduated college in just three years and won an award for having the highest GPA of my graduating class, in addition to a bunch of other awards for my academic achievement, leadership, and contributions to campus media and community. I’m really proud of all of my accomplishments and distinctions, but that wasn’t all college was for me. It was a place were I was able to begin to find my voice and form my individual identity. I was able to discover and experiment with what I was passionate about and set myself up for a prosperous career and life. Obviously, all of this is just the beginning in a lifelong journey to happiness and success, but I felt my three years were a pretty good start, especially considering majority of that time was during a global pandemic. 

My time in college was certainly not without difficulty, though. Like just about every college student in history, I had periods of friend problems, burn out, uncertainty, and feeling like I didn’t belong. However, I was able to work though all of it and find people who supported me and pushed me to go beyond my limits and reach my dreams. Many of these individuals I know I’ll be in touch with for many years to come. 

As I mentioned earlier, all of this was just a starting point. For me, college was where I was given my starter kit and tools to begin to pave my own path (and have fun doing it). While I do have a full-time job lined up, my dream is to become a photographer. I also truly look forward to strengthening my existing friendships and meeting even more people with similar interests and personalities. I’m extremely excited for the next chapter of my life, and happy to share my favorite moments right here.

Now that we have the sentimental part out of the way, here are the college graduation photos I just love so much.

Have a terrific day!

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