I remember being a high school student so stressed about the future. Now, I’m less than a year out from my college graduation, but I learned a lot in my years on campus, albeit brief. From then until now, my “must-haves” list in a school has shifted. Currently, I’m in the process of looking into grad school, and the questions I’m asking now are quite different than what I was…
college life
Reorientation: Starting Over as a College Senior
It’s a common question to ask when you’re reflecting on a sizable period of your life: what would I do if I could go back and do it all over again? Well, what if you actually could? After the year and a half of virtual…
Mastering the Spring Semester
Spring semester is just around the corner (if it hasn’t started already), and it’s another three to four months of hy-flex “fun.” I’m still so grateful to be able to continue my education, and I’m extra thankful to be taking classes I love this semester,…
Finding Happiness
The past few months, especially the past few weeks, have been quite difficult for all of our mental health. Personally, I’ve been a lot more on edge lately. I find that the smallest things are causing anxiety, I get bored easier, and I feel so…
Perks of Being a Commuter in College
During my first year in college, I spent quite a bit of time on campus. A lot of people thought I lived on campus, but I was actually a commuter. With the amount of time I spent on campus, a lot of people might think…
Resources Every College Student Needs to Know About
Let’s be real, no college class is totally “easy.” Whether it’s just a lot of work, content that’s difficult to digest, or simply having things seem inconvenient or inefficient, college is not something that’s easy to get through, especially not alone. Especially with all of…