I’m so excited to share that I am now an official Vera Bradley Brand Ambassador! This is exciting news alone, but as someone who has loved Vera Bradley *literally* her entire life, this is a huge deal. As a little kid, I’d like to say I was pretty fashionable. Of course, VB was trendy in the early 2000’s, but I loved wandering around the store as my mom was shopping.…
Altar’d State Try-On’s: Early July 2021
This post may contain affiliate links. I can’t help but find myself in Altar’d State anytime I’m near one, I’m just absolutely in love with their whole collection! I’m particularly crushing on their summer collection this year. All of the colors, prints, and styles just…
Loving Lately: May Favorites
May was such a crazy month! Between finals and end of semester celebrations, time has just been flying by. Now that it’s come to a close and I’ve had some time off, I took some time to reflect back on my month. Today, I’ll be…
Altar’d State Semi-Annual Sale
I’m officially back from my winter hiatus! I needed to take some time off to finish out my first semester of school, and then for the holidays, and then I experienced some technical issues that prevented me from being able to vlog. Now, my tech…
My Nordstrom Sale Top 10- 2019
Public access to the annual Nordstrom Anniversary sale is only one day away! So, to prep for the big day tomorrow, I decided to share my top 10 picks from the sale. I usually don’t buy much (or anything) from the sale, but I do…
Black Friday Sale Guide!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I’m so thankful to have such wonderful followers and be a part of such a lovely community! While Thanksgiving is such a great holiday, I know everyone’s looking at the Black Friday sales as the turkey’s cooking! Down below, I’m sharing where…