Celebrating a Year of Everyday Magic

Pink Days Blog turns one today guys! I’m so excited to be celebrating my blog’s first birthday! A year ago, I started my blog, having no clue what I was really in for. It was something I had been considering for a while, and I finally decided to take the initiative and go for it. A year later, I am so thankful that I decided to start my blog- it has brought me to so many amazing people, pages, friends, and personal discoveries. The first birthday is a pretty big deal, so today, I thought I’d share my experience after my first year of blogging. Be sure to grab some cake and celebrate with me!

Looking back, I really didn’t know what I was doing a year ago. I had been following a bunch of bloggers for years, so I tried my best to put my own spin on what I liked best from each blogger. I started out without a real feed, because I was still learning to edit pictures, and I wasn’t really sure how to get myself out there and grow my blog. I didn’t post that frequently on my blog to start, and I didn’t know that posting everyday on Instagram would also be beneficial to me. Along the way, I learned more about better posting habits, and I feel comfortable in saying that I’m a lot more comfortable with editing pictures. I have also found photo editing to be therapeutic, and something I genuinely enjoy doing.

About a month after I started my blog, I felt like I wanted to try something else new, so I started a YouTube channel where I could post content that words couldn’t do justice. I’m still improving over there too, but I definitely feel more comfortable with video editing and creating more unique videos. It’s definitely been a helpful skill for school that’s made video projects a lot easier. Like photo editing, it’s become a fun way for me to unwind and just get creative.

While the content is important (I seriously love creating all this content), I can say something that’s made me even happier is the amazing friends I’ve made through my blog. I’ve always been a huge Disney fan, and a lover of fashion and makeup, so I’ve been able to connect with so many people who share similar interests. Personally, I love seeing their content pop-up in my feed, and I love supporting other people who are on a journey similar to mine! The sense of community that blogging has brought me has been a huge support to my confidence, and it’s so comforting to know that I can talk about something with people who understand it and are interested in the same thing.

Starting my blog was one of the best decisions I ever made. I have been able learn more about myself, become more confident, and start to discover more about my path in life. From blogging, I found a new passion for writing, photography, and videography, which have helped me find my perfect college major. I originally wanted to be a dance major, but now I’ll be majoring in communications (more on that in a later post), and I couldn’t be more excited to learn more about what I love to do. While blogging has become a passion in itself, I’ve been able to express everything I love on a single page. Yes, my platforms don’t always reflect the full me, which is natural in the case of social media, but I feel that I’ve been able to discover a confidence to show the real me 24/7 (which isn’t always easy to do). Blogging has enable me to find my voice, and that is something I will be forever grateful.

Blogging has also been able to provide me with a sense of calm. It’s a place where I can combine all my passions into one place, but also for me to unwind and relax. I can rant and share stories in my blog posts, and hopefully they’ll be able to inspire someone else or help someone who is facing a similar situation. I’ve also found photo and video editing to be extremely therapeutic, and both skills have become ways for me to de-stress and just be happy.

Just recently, I’ve hit some pretty big milestones in my blogging life. I was accepted to be a RewardStyle member, which means that I am an influencer on LikeToKnow.IT officially! I’ve also been selected to be a high school ambassador for Jadelynn Brooke (use code TPAHHS for 15% off your next order!). Finally, I have been selected to be a Student Vlogger for CollegeXpress, which means I’ll be partnering with the company to create some videos on everything you need to know about college! It’s definitely taken me a while to get my name out there and get a few partnerships, but I couldn’t be more excited to take these first few leaps and see where they lead me!

I just want to thank everyone who has supported me on my journey this far. I have definitely come a long way, and I still have a while to go. Your support has been so helpful to me as I figure everything out. This past year of blogging has been amazing, and I’m wishing for many, many more years filled with everyday magic.

See ya real soon,

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