Recap: Saturday Trip to Ocean City and Atlantic City

One of my favorite things about college so far is the flexibility to do fun things! Back in high school, I was usually always swamped with work, but now, I have a lot more time to try different things, and just have fun! This past weekend was a perfect example of this.

On Saturday, Ocean City, NJ was hosting a Jeep Invasion on the boardwalk. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I serendipitously discovered a Jeep Invasion in Pigeon Forge, TN while on vacation at Dollywood and the Smokey Mountains, and thought it was pretty cool. Luckily, nothing was going on at school, and I had already gotten all of my work done, so my Saturday was totally free to take a day trip for Jeep Invasion (since thankfully Ocean City is much closer than Pigeon Forge).

My family and I left home around 11am, which put us right near a Chick-fil-a around lunchtime. I got the Mac n Cheese with crispy nuggets and a cookies and cream milkshake, and it was all absolutely delicious. After our lunch stop, we drove down to Ocean City and walked around Jeep Invasion.

Compared to the Jeep Invasion in Pigeon Forge, it was smaller, but still very cool. All the Jeeps were lined up on the boardwalk, and even though it was a bit chillier than summer weather, it was still a really lovely walk near the beach. We actually got to go on the beach itself for a little bit, and went into a few of the stores on the boardwalk. In one of the stores, I found a Minnie Mouse Pandora ring for 50% off because it was discontinued (and it was actually the one I was looking for). A lot of the Jeeps were all decorated for Halloween with skeletons and wreaths and even lights, and a few even had little trick or treating bowls filled with candy.

After we finished walking the whole boardwalk, we left to head over to Atlantic City, which isn’t too far away. My parents completely surprised me with a stop at Lucy the Elephant on the way over. Lucy is a giant elephant-shaped building that used to be a summer home and is now a national landmark. My mom and I were actually able to catch the last tour of the day, and we got to go up all the way to the top of the elephant, which gave really cool views of the beach.

After visiting (and falling in love with) Lucy the Elephant, we finally made it over to Atlantic City for dinner. If you know me, you know I love Chicken Guy and think Guy Fieri is awesome, so you know I had to try dinner at Guy Fieri’s Chophouse (located inside Bally’s). I had the Rodeo Shrimp Dragon Sushi Roll and it was likely the best sushi I’ve had. There were five sauces I believe, including his famous donkey sauce (also available as a sauce at Chicken Guy), and it was absolutely delicious. The table got pretzel rolls to start, which were also amazing, and I shared the chocolate cake, which was the perfect and sweetest end to such a great meal. Following a very satisfying dinner, we walked around on the beach and Atlantic City boardwalk for a bit before starting to head home.

My Saturday day trip was such a perfect fall adventure! I had so much fun visiting Ocean City and Lucy the Elephant for the first time, and I absolutely loved trying Guy Fieri’s restaurant. I seriously can’t wait for many more college adventures, and I’m so excited to share all the happy moments coming soon!

See ya real soon,

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