What it was Like to Rep for Jadelynn Brooke

This past semester, I applied to be a high school ambassador for Jadelynn Brooke, a small online store founded by 3 sisters that sells adorable shirts and accessories. After a few weeks of (mostly patient) waiting to hear back, I was accepted! I was overjoyed to be repping for such a happy company, and looking back, I had a pretty great first semester.

During my semester, I received three boxes of merchandise from the brand. Most of the items were t-shirts, but I also received stickers, trinket trays, and other accessories. I loved every item I got, and even though some of the items were a little big on me (some of the styles can run large!), they were all extremely comfortable and I loved wearing them!

Once I got my first box, I was expected to post on my social pages about the items I was gifted, and share some of their posts via Instagram stories, and pin some posts on Pinterest. I was a little concerned about fulfilling all the requirements at first, considering I had never done a program like this before, and I was only used to posting pictures from recent photo shoots and trips. However, once I started, it ended up being easy. I found myself wearing the shirts and accessories to school, dance, and for just regular days. I never felt like I was putting up a picture for the sake of putting up a picture, I truly loved the items and wanted to share them.

On the behind the scenes end of it, I was also able to make some truly amazing friends. One of my fellow high school reps went ahead and made a GroupMe for all of the JLB high school ambassadors. I felt like we were all able to connect as a group, which definitely enhanced the program. Even further, the group was a great place to bounce ideas around for content, which really helped me develop my blog this semester.

The sisters were also very interactive with the whole process. They included letters in every rep box, and commented on almost every single one of my JLB posts. They’ve also been well known to send reps messages encouraging them and reassuring them how they’ve been doing. They’re so uplifting, even beyond the rep process! The whole family was so approachable, and even though I didn’t have any issues, it was easy to get in touch with them about anything.

If you’re considering repping for Jadelynn Brooke, I would definitely take the first step and apply for it. When I applied back in January, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Now, I’m so glad I took the leap and went for it because I truly loved the program. Applications are opening super soon, so be sure to look out for them at @jadelynnbrooke on Instagram, and jadelynnbrooke.com! I know I’ll be reapplying for my first semester at college, and I can’t wait to see what’ll happen!

If you have any questions about the program (literally any at all), please feel free to reach out to me, and I’ll be more than willing to help you out! The program is exclusively available for high school and college students, and lasts one semester.

See ya real soon,

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