Category: Style

63 Results


  • Customized Clean Beauty with treStiQue

    I’ve always loved doing my makeup everyday, but since quarantine hit and I haven’t been doing as much, I’ve cut back on my routine a lot. Recently, however, I was able to discover treStiQue’s Essential Mix – a set of four classic treStiQue products wrapped…

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  • American Eagle x Disney

    American Eagle has been one of my favorite stores for years. When I found out that one of my favorite entertainment companies, Disney, was collaborating with AE, I couldn’t contain my excitement. After watching the short video ad a few times on repeat, I knew…

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  • Christmas with Fintastic Configuration

    Fintastic Configuration is one of my all-time favorite shops. I wear their jewelry almost on a daily basis to the point where it’s become a wardrobe staple. When I saw the holiday collection previews, my jaw dropped- Christmas is easily my favorite holiday and all…

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  • Last-Minute Halloween Looks

    It definitely doesn’t seem like it, but Halloween is just a few days away! I’m not doing much this year, so I didn’t want to put a ton of time and effort into a costume. I decided that I wanted to still dress up to…

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  • Favorite Face Masks

    It seems as though face masks are here to stay, so why not make them cute? I love wearing fun and colorful masks, especially with nods to some of my favorite characters and fandoms. I wear masks pretty much all day when I go over…

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  • Shop Spotlight: Hella Cute Company

    This post is not sponsored and contains entirely my own opinions. For my birthday, I was so happy to place an order from Hella Cute Company. I had originally discovered them on Instagram from their super cute designs. I had found out that they released…

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