Four Terrific Years: Terrifically Toni’s Anniversary

Today marks four years of content creation, adventure, and everyday magic. That’s right, I created my social media pages four years ago today, and it’s been such a terrific journey ever since.

Technically, I didn’t fully publish my blog until March 10th, but I still celebrate today as my content creation anniversary every year since today is the day that it really all got started. Back then, I wanted to have a creative outlet for myself and try something new. I felt like I didn’t really fit in at school (or dance, at that point). I loved being a part of my school newspaper and I looked up to a lot of content creators I followed on social media, so I decided to start a social media presence and a blog with the philosophy of “hey, if I hate it, I just don’t need to continue it.” 

I absolutely loved it.

The content creation process just naturally spoke to me, and I loved being able to express myself in a way that was distinctly me. I could talk about anything I wanted to talk about and experiment with so many different forms of messaging. A month into my content journey, I decided to try vlogging my spring break. I ended up loving the video process, too, and added a YouTube channel onto my portfolio of pages. I got to experiment a lot more with writing, photography, and graphic design. I soon felt that I was meant to work in media production, so I decided to pursue communications & media in college as opposed to dance. I’m forever thankful for this, and am now working to pursue a career as a photographer (but of course, continuing with video, design, and writing skills, and definitely continuing with my pages).

For the last four years, my pages have consistently been focused on what I’m passionate about and interested in. All of the content I generate comes from the pure joy of process and topic. While I know that’s stayed the same, quite a bit has changed. My aesthetic has evolved, as has my sense of style and photo editing. Since getting to college, I’ve had a lot more opportunities to practice and refine what I do, so I’d like to believe that the quality of what I produce continues to get better, too. I’ve upgraded blog’s layout a few times now, rebranded a few times, and in the past year or so, I’ve changed all of my page names from “pinkdaysblog” to something that’s a lot more fitting and a lot more flexible to grow with me – Terrifically Toni. 

This anniversary has truly given me the opportunity to reflect on how my life has changed for the better because of Terrifically Toni. I’ve been able to meet so many people that make me feel welcome and accepted, and make some incredible friends. I’ve been able to discover and learn so much about myself while continuing to grow as a person and as a content creator. As a I look towards the future, I know the core of these pages will stay the same; they will continue to be a digital scrapbook of my life and thoughts, and will always stay authentic to who I am and who I’m becoming. 

Thank you for following me on my adventure through life.

Have a(n extra) terrific day!

Comments (2)

  • Caleb

    March 8, 2022 at 10:35 PM

    I’m so insanely proud of you and what you have accomplished!! I can’t wait to keep. Watching you grow

    1. Toni Marie

      March 9, 2022 at 12:36 AM

      Thank you so much, and thank you for following along with my adventures!

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