Looking Back on 2018

Happy New Year’s Eve! Since today’s the last day of the year, I thought I’d reflect on the year and share some of my favorite moments. 

For me 2018, has been a pretty great year. It’s been a rollercoaster of a year, but it’s a ride that I would go on again without a doubt. 

In January and February, I was able to spend a lot of time bonding with my friends, and I even got to start by college search process by touring a few schools over break.

March was an important month for me. I was really happy to get my driver’s permit (it only took me six months to want to go to DMV), but that wasn’t the biggest thing of the month. I started my very own blog (which you are looking at right now). It was something I had been considering for a while, but in March, I finally got the courage and energy to try it out. Starting my blog was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I’ve had such a great time with it so far. 

April was another big month for me. It was my Spring Break, which gave me the inspiration to expand my blog and create a YouTube channel for ideas that needed more than just writing. I got to go to Dollywood and Busch Gardens (check out my vlog and posts under the adventure section on my blog)! On the way home, I was able to adopt four baby ducklings to raise for about a month before they moved on to their forever home (a really nice half acre lake on a nice family’s property). I was invited to my friend Emma’s school semi-formal, and I had my ballet concert.

In May, I had another dance concert, and by the end of the month, the ducks grew up and moved to their lovely lake. After dropping them off, I took a trip to the Busch Gardens Food and Wine Festival to try some new delicious treats. 

June started my quick trips to the beach and other fun locations to kick off summer. I also took a trip to Ithaca, NY to check out the waterfalls, and took a quick trip to NYC to take a ballet master class!

In July, I took a trip out to Pennsylvania for about three weeks for a dance program. Luckily, one of my best friends lives in the area, so we got to do a lot of fun things (think Kesha concert, lots of photoshoots, and even more shenanigans). At the end of the month, I decided it was time to move on from my current dance studio and try something new.

I started off my August by taking my senior pictures, and then quickly taking off for Central Florida. I visited all my favorite parks, and even tried some new things (like Gatorlilly’s and Chicken Guy). This was also my first long vacation that I vlogged. On the way home, I went to Myrtle Beach, SC. At the end of the month, I went back to Pigeon Forge to visit Dollywood, where we came across Jeep Invasion, and had a great time in the National Park. I finished off my summer vacation with another quick beach trip to Cape May. 

In September, I started my senior year of high school. I genuinely cannot believe that I’m in my last year of high school, and that it’s the last year of being with friends that I’ve known since pre-k. I also celebrated my birthday. Although it wasn’t really what I planned, I went to NYC to take a master class with Ask La Cour, and while in the city, celebrated at Sugarfina and the Disney Store. Later that month, I squeezed in one more beach trip, and a chance to hang out with my friends from my old dance studio. I also found out this month that my dance plans weren’t going to be exactly as planned, but I kept dancing and changed my path to meet what was going on, which led me to learn a lot more about myself, and discover what I truly wanted in my life.

October was also a fun month. My best friend from Pennsylvania drove up, and we were able to go to ipsy’s Generation Beauty together. I also worked on some creative projects for college applications, and celebrated Halloween as Marie from the Aristocats.

In November, I performed a self-choreographed piece for my school’s senior talent show. I also took two dance master classes, went to the opening night of Six Flags’ Holiday in the Park, and went to Dollywood for Thanksgiving Break.

December was a hectic month, but totally fun. As you all know, I participated in Blogmas/Vlogmas for the first time. It was a total mad dash to get all the content done, but I’m so happy with the result. I was able to see my friends from my old dance studio before the holidays, and have some holiday fun with my school friends. For Christmas, I was so lucky to be able to go to Orlando and experience all the holiday magic that the theme parks there have to offer (stay tuned for all the content!).

All in all, my 2018 was a great one. I had so many magical moments, and made memories with friends and family that I won’t want to forget anytime soon. I’d really like to thank everyone who has supported me with my blogging aspirations this far, and everyone who has supported me with following my path. I can’t wait to see what next year holds, and I hope that you’ll continue to follow me on my journey.

See ya real soon,


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