Mantras for my Second Semester

Today is my first day back at college after winter break, and although I loved having time off to relax and work on personal projects (like my content), I couldn’t be happier to be back at college. It brings me such joy not only to be with some of the best people I’ve met everyday, but also to be learning more about what I love and growing so much as a person.

My break was pretty good, and it left me a lot of time to think back and reflect on the events of my first semester. Especially since I unfortunately blew my LogicBoard on New Year’s Day, which left me unable to work on most of my personal projects for about a week, but also left with a lot of time to think, reflect, and process. As I’m preparing myself for my second semester, I decided to compile a list of mantras to remind myself of my goals and keep myself calm, motivated, and happy.

  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • Every conclusion is a new beginning.
  • You are never unprepared for what is thrown at you.
  • Learning is an active process and it does not just happen inside the classroom.
  • Shadows and light contrast each other. If a shadow gets darker, it likely means that the light shines brighter.
  • We are all imperfect beings. Perfection is only relative.
  • You can find happiness even in the worst of times.
  • Positive thinking and positive energy bring positive outcomes.
  • Sometimes nerves and anxiety are necessary, but don’t manufacture issues that can be avoided.

College is by no definition easy, and sometimes, we find ourselves in unsavory situations. In these situations, we often have two choices- we can either run from our problem and allow it to fester, or face it head on and solve it. These incidents are not limited to college though, they are experienced at almost every life stage. As long as you remain strong and true to yourself, success is nearly guaranteed.

Journey on,


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