Pardon my Pixie Dust

Hello friends! Today, I’ll be sharing a little update here at Pink Days Blog.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably noticed a few small changes, like my new theme on my Instagram feed. Well, that’s only the start, and there’s a lot of behind the scenes magic going on that I’m hoping to be able to share soon. While I’m dreaming up new ways to improve my little corner of the internet, I’m going to have to take a little pause from writing new posts. I absolutely love blogging, but to ensure everything runs smoothly, it’ll be a few weeks before I write any new posts.

Don’t worry, this certainly isn’t the end. I’ll also be continuing to post on all of my social media sites and YouTube channel, all of which will be linked on the righthand sidebar. New Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest posts will still be going up everyday, and new YouTube videos go live every Saturday at 10am EST.

As for Pink Days Blog, I can’t wait for you all to see what I have in store. I have a ton of ideas I’m putting together, some more complete than others. I also always love to hear what you want to see, so don’t hesitate to reach out, and be sure to keep an eye out for all the fun that’s on it’s way.

See ya real soon (and I promise it’ll be real soon!),




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