For me, vacation is definitely a time to binge and eat all the good stuff that I really shouldn’t be eating everyday. I do have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I usually opt for a lot of yummy desserts. Some of my favorite dishes are all located in Orlando, one of my favorite places to visit. As I’m starting to really dive into real school work this semester,…
Top 5 Bucket List Destinations
Spring Break is coming so soon, and although I have a super magical adventure planned (it’s a surprise right now, be sure to follow my Instagram to see the big reveal), I almost always have a wanderlust, and a few destinations that have been on…
Recap: Saturday Trip to Ocean City and Atlantic City
One of my favorite things about college so far is the flexibility to do fun things! Back in high school, I was usually always swamped with work, but now, I have a lot more time to try different things, and just have fun! This past…
My Travel Necessities
I absolutely love to travel, but it’s not always the easiest thing to be prepared for. Before every trip, there’s always a lot going on to make sure everything goes smoothly, but luckily, I pretty much have some set essentials I know I need to…