Memorial Day Weekend 2018

It’s finally summer! Well, it’s not officially summer, but Memorial Day weekend is always the start of that feeling of summer for me. To commemorate, I went on a road trip with my family! I know most people had a three day weekend, but my school schedule let me have a five day weekend, and all of it was super fun!

Thursday was my first day off. The night before, I had dropped off the four ducks I was raising at their actual owner’s house, so I didn’t have to worry about taking care of them or dropping them off in the morning. I finished all my last minute packing, and we left around noon. Midway through our car trip, we stopped to meet up with one of my friends for ice cream. A few hours later, we stopped at an Outback Steakhouse for dinner. About an hour after that, we finally made it to Williamsburg, VA.

Friday morning, we went to Chick-fil-a for breakfast (I love the tater tots so much!). After breakfast, we went to Water Country USA, Busch Garden’s waterpark. We got there right around park opening, so none of the rides had a wait. I did all of my favorite rides and walked around the park for two to three hours. Once I was done there, I got changed and looked around the gift shop, where I found an adorable Simply Southern bracelet that says “mermaid hair, don’t care.” As soon as I bought it, I put it on and wore it the entire weekend. My family and I then headed over to Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The park was a little crowded because there were a bunch of school groups there, so I didn’t really get to ride any rides. It was the start of the Food and Wine Festival though, so I walked around and tried a bunch of dishes from the different booths (you can read all about my Food and Wine Festival experience here). Once we were done at Busch Gardens, we went to the outlets for a little bit and had dinner at Carrabba’s.

On Saturday, we went to Duck Donuts for breakfast, and then went straight to Busch Gardens for the day. I started out by doing all the big rides before they got a wait. After we made a full loop, we got a new sampler card for the Food and Wine Festival that day, and got a bunch of our favorite dishes from the day before. During this loop of the park, we also saw the Celtic Fyre and OctoberZest shows. We stayed at the park for a few more hours. After we left, we went to look around Ulta, Belk, and a smaller local souvenir store that sells Simply Southern, and we had dinner at Mooyah Burgers.

Sunday was our last day away. When we woke up, we checked out of our hotel and headed straight for Virginia Beach, which was about an hour away. Once we got there, we had breakfast at a local pancake place. From there, we went onto the beach and just walked around for a little bit. It was so relaxing, and I was so happy to be back at the beach for a little while. Early afternnon, we got in the car and started to head home. We took the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel first, which is really cool to drive over. Right after we made it over the bridge, we made a quick stop at this lookout that had a gorgeous view of the coast. We didn’t really make any stops on the way home except for gas and dinner.

Monday was a pretty chill day. I watched my town’s Memorial Day parade, which a lot of my friends were marching with the school band in. I went home from there, finished up some homework, finished unpacking from the trip, and got everything ready for school the next day. I went out to dinner with my family and picked up some snacks and food for the week at the grocery store later on.

I hope you guys had a great Memorial Day Weekend, and you enjoyed this post! Now that school is starting to wind down, I’m hoping to be more active on my blog. If you guys want to see any specific posts this summer, please comment down below or message me on any of my social media pages to let me know!

See ya soon,


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