Summer Skincare

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot more time outside during the warm summer months, most likely doing lots of fun activities or even just hanging out. However, the more time we spend outside, the more time we leave our skin prone to issues. I know a lot of people don’t really know how to care well for their skin over the summer, so I thought I’d share some advice on how to keep your skin glowing while still having fun!

Daily Skin Routine

The first step in keeping healthy skin is having a good, consistent routine. Especially over the summer, you’ll probably be sweating more than usual, and out and about more, so you’ll want to keep your skin clean everyday. Daily skin care is very personalized, since everyone has different skin types and skin needs, you’ll need to find the products that work best for you. I personally have oily and break-out prone skin, so I’ve been using Kiehl’s Blue Herbal Cleanser and Moisturizer, with an Ordinary Serum for spot treatment if I get any larger breakouts.


Sun protection is perhaps the most important item of the summer. If you’re spending a lot of time outside, sun protection is essential for protecting sun damage (even if you don’t get sunburned, it’s still possible to get skin damage from the sun). I use the Neutrogena Age Shield face oil-free SPF 110 sunscreen lotion. I used to always break out and get super oily from wearing sunscreen, but my aesthetician recommended this one to me, and I absolutely love it. While a higher SPF does provide more protection, having something on is always better than nothing, and even with a higher SPF, still be sure to reapply throughout the day, as it does wear off and lose its strength.


I still wear makeup in the summer, but I do have to make a few small modifications to my routine. I’m extra certain to wear tinted moisturizer with sunscreen in it when I decide to wear a full face of makeup. I also do tend to get pretty oily in warmer weather and high humidity, so I’ll use extra setting powder (Urban Decay All Nighter and CoverFX Mattifying Spray). I’ve also found that Starbucks napkins are great oil blotting papers, and they’re convenient and easy to both carry around and find while on the go.

Everyone has different skin types, and therefore skin needs, so I wouldn’t be able to create a truly all-encompassing post for everyone. Skincare is truly something that is entirely customized and tailored to each individual, but I still hope this post was a good starting point for finding what type of products you want to use this summer! Because of the oil, sweat, and sun exposure, you need to have a consistent routine to clean your skin, and remember to apply and reapply sunscreen to keep your skin safe!

See ya real soon,

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