If you missed yesterday’s post, click here.
Hey everyone, welcome back for my last daily post about Spring Break!
Unfortunately, my weekend was less eventful than the rest of my week but still just as fun, so I decided to group these three days together.
On Friday, I woke up a little late since my family and I had gotten in pretty late the night before (and we had to set up our little duck home). I got ready for the day and did a little bit of work for school and my blog. Later, I went out to lunch with one of my friends to this cute little local diner. It was an old fashioned diner, but the food was really good. Afterwards, we hung out a little and watched some of Mulan 2. I came home, did a little more work, then went out to dinner with my family. We went wo a local Italian place and had some pizza and pasta.
Saturday was a working day. I finished a lab for my physics class and also continued to work on blog posts. I uploaded all the pictures from my camera onto my computer and began to insert them into the drafts of my blog posts. I also began to finish working on a little surprise for my blog (coming soon!). I went out for an early dinner with my family to Chili’s because I was really craving some some chips and salsa. I came home and played with the ducklings for a little bit. To wind down for the night, I watched some videos and vlogs from Disneyland Paris (en français so I could practice my French a little).
Sunday was unfortunately the last day of my break. I watched a few more vlogs and videos from a bunch of my favorite Youtubers to start the morning off. From there, I did a little more work on my upcoming blog posts, I watched some more YouTube videos, and I did a little work for school.
Unfortunately, this is the last post following my individual daily adventures from Spring Break, but I have plenty of new posts coming soon! I really hope that you guys enjoyed these posts and you might be interested in seeing more like this with my future adventures!
See ya real soon,